Addiction Treatment For Seniors

Recognizing the symptoms of drug addiction is the first step towards recovery. For a senior with an addiction it is all the more necessary to identify the symptoms at an early stage. With age comes physical and psychological pain and that makes it difficult in admitting that one has an addiction to prescription or illicit drugs. Apart from that the changes that occur with aging in the body’s metabolism such as loss of mobility and dexterity can increase dependence on prescription drugs. Elderly who live alone or lead lonely lives are prone to depression and such situations often encourage drug addiction. Often physicians who are under-informed about prescription drug abuse and addiction in the elderly prescribe drugs to the elderly increasing the risk of drug abuse.

Identifying Signs Of Addiction In Seniors Of Drug Addiction In The Elderly That Are Often Overlooked

Some symptoms of aging are similar to the signs of drug addiction and therefore are easily overlooked. Sudden appearance of below mentioned symptoms in elderly might be due to drug addiction.

  • Sleep disorders
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Disheveled appearance
  • Blackouts or Absent mindedness
  • Apprehension, touchiness and social withdrawal
  • Diminished appetite or weight loss

Common Addiction In Seniors

Alcohol abuse and prescription drug abuse are two most common addictions in the elderly. Older adults are more reluctant to join a rehab center but once in treatment, senior citizens are often highly motivated than the younger addicts and are more likely to complete a program successfully. Less common drug abuse among older adults is use of street drugs like crack and heroin.

Senior Drug Rehab

The fear of getting admitted into a senior drug rehab is the first barrier for a senior addict and this must be overcome when seeking help. They need to be counseled that addiction is a disease, just like any other, and make them feel more at ease when discussing your treatment options.

For seniors who are drug addicts, inpatient drug rehabilitation programs are recommended for effective treatment. Treating older adults is generally done in age-specific programs. A lot of flexibility is maintained while treating the elderly addicts and employ holistic approach that treats the mind and the body. The senior patients respond well when shown respect.

After Completing Senior Rehab

Most of the seniors complete rehab programs successfully and respond well to therapy sessions. There’s many a chance that there might be a relapse in the year following drug rehab in California. Many drug rehab programs conduct aftercare programs that are developed to avoid relapse.

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